The Life and Times of Sasha PawsCienda’s Lodge Kitty

My journey began on a warm and beautiful spring day. We left Charlottesville (my former home) driving through the lovely countryside – well I think the countryside was lovely – I actually never looked since I had my eyes closed and my head buried in the corner of my cat carrier the entire trip.
After what seemed like an eternity, we pulled up to this beautiful rustic mountain
lodge. As we went inside and looked around, the décor was just purrrfect! I was introduced to my new owners. Normally this would have been a wonderful experience, as people normally ‘ooh and aah’ over me. See I’m a Siberian with
stunning blue eyes. But instead everyone had a look of bewilderment. Then I remembered, it was my hair cut! I’m embarrassed to say that I had let myself go and my owners saw fit to take me to the beauty salon for a make-over. Unfortunately for me, I was not very cooperative and so my hair cut looked more like a battle with Edward Scissorhands.

But those days have now past AND my hair has finally grown back. I’m now living the
good life here at the PawsCienda Pet Resort.
Check back each week for the continued saga and adventures of Sasha, PawsCienda’s Lodge Kitty.